Wedderburn Conservation Management Network
Protecting Biodiversity - ​​Our Flagship Species - Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata
Learn and Monitor Local Wildlife
Learn and Monitor Local Wildlife

The Soil Health Guide Online Booklet provides information to help identify possible soil health issues using nine simple visual tests conducted in the paddock.
Observations and results can be used to determine management actions to improve soil health and assess differences in soil health between paddocks, farms, management practices and/or growing seasons.

The Caring for Country (land management guide for north central Victoria) aims to assist new and existing land managers, particularly those in the rural living zone, to protect the health of their land and the broader environment

Fungi of Central Victoria's Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands and Derived Grasslands
Hundreds, possibly thousands of species of fungi inhabit Central Victoria's Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands and Derived Grasslands*. Although rarely a focus of biodiversity management, fungi are vitally important to the health and resilience of these ecosystems. Fungi are the principle decomposers, breaking down organic material and recycling nutrients. Furthermore, the great majority of trees and other plants - including every orchid - form symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationships with fungi.
Birds of the Loddon Shire
The above link is produced and maintained by Friends of Kooyoora stalwart and local photographer Robert Scholes and lists over 100 local species with photos and descriptions.
Orchid Guide
Click/Tap on the following Facebook link.
This album of local orchids with botanical names produced by Friends of Kooyoora members and Mulwarrie Studios
Listen to the following ABC link to learn about Friends of Kooyoora work to re-introduce rare orchids into the Park