Wedderburn Conservation Management Network
Protecting Biodiversity - ​​Our Flagship Species - Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata

Protecting an isolated population of Malleefowl in the Wychitella Nature Conservation Reserve with Predator control
Predation is a cause of mortality of Malleefowl. Foxes, in particular, prey on Malleefowl at all stages of the bird’s life cycle. Foxes have been known to take over a third of eggs at some sites (Frith 1962a, Benshemesh and Burton 1999). Chicks typically begin hatching and emerging from mounds in November, and although hatching may continue until March in some seasons, most chicks usually emerge from mounds before January (Priddel & Wheeler 2005).
In Victoria, Malleefowl are now largely restricted to remnants of their habitat in the north-west of the state, although an isolated (and declining) population exists at the Wychitella Flora and Fauna Reserve in central Victoria. The species no longer occurs south or east of Wychitella.
The aim of this project is to encourage and support the work of the Wedderburn Conservation management network (WCMN) in its efforts to conserve an isolated population of the endangered Malleefowl located in the Wychitella Nature Conservation reserve and on associated private land located in the western part of the Loddon Shire, North Central Victoria. The WCMN has been protecting this population from local extinction for the past 20 years with efforts directed at reduction of the predation of the birds, monitoring the birds and nests, an investigation of habitat reduction, monitoring browsing competitors and engaging the local community in their conservation.

1. Reduce impacts of fox predation on Malleefowl Chicks by increasing the area of baiting to include the known area of occurrence and priority preferred habitat in the Wychitella conservation reserve area.
2. Reduce impacts of fox predation on Malleefowl by implementing a staged and continuous baiting program throughout the years, subject to ongoing evaluation and monitoring of effectiveness of fox/cat control, Malleefowl population monitoring and seasonal physical constraints (e.g. access).
3. Reduce impacts of fox predation
4. Prioritise fox baiting where the occurrence of foxes is most likely in preferred Malleefowl habitat.
5. Develop a fox control program that considers the wide range of users and interests in the area and is supported and endorsed by the majority of the local community, neighbouring properties, public land users and park visitors. Minimising the risks of baiting to farmers dogs is a particular consideration.
6. Carry out all baiting in accordance with Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria (Agriculture Victoria) and Standard Operating Procedures– FOX001 Ground baiting of foxes with sodium fluoroacetate (1080) and/or FOX007 Ground Baiting of Foxes with PAPP.